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Our European customers are probably aware that your strict customs officers may charge a duty along with a shipping and handling fee.

*Up to 150 EUR not incur any duty on your order in EU countries
(Denmark- 1150 DKK, Sweden-1600 SEK, UK-135 GBP).

European wide directives

Import tariffs
The European Union (EU applies) a common external tariff to goods imported from non-EU countries. There are specific import tariffs on goods imported into the European Union (EU) according to HS Code and product description. Quotas and other regulations are listed according to order number within the description of the import tariff.

Customs duties vary widely and are applied ad valorem (per cent), based on the product description and to a specific Harmonised Systems Tariff Code (HS Code). For each HS Code, the EU determines the amount of a quota allowed for imports into the Union on a country-by-country basis. The quotas related to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) countries are established on a first-come first-serve basis and are announced for a determined period of time.

Value Added Tax (VAT)
Both imports and domestically produced goods are subject to a VAT, which is based on the cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value of goods plus duty. VAT rates vary depending on the products concerned. Many countries have a number of VAT rates, and the following rates are the maximums applied by the individual EU countries:

Austria – 20 per cent
Belgium – 21 per cent
Denmark – 25 per cent
Finland – 24 per cent
France – 19.6 per cent
Germany – 19 per cent
Greece – 24 per cent
Ireland – 23 per cent
Italy – 22 per cent
Luxembourg – 17 per cent
Netherlands – 21 per cent
Portugal – 23 per cent
Spain – 21 per cent
Sweden– 25 per cent
United Kingdom – 20 per cent